How to choose makeup set for kids?

How to choose Best makeup set for kids

Every little girl wants to mimic her mother’s actions and looks. So it makes a lot of sense to offer her a gift play makeup set. It’s a fun thing to have, and it does bring in front some amazing features and benefits. With that being said, play makeup sets aren’t always very safe. Some of them can contain harmful chemicals, which is why we only recommend buying a chemical free play makeup set.

Are play makeup sets safe?

One thing to note about most play makeup sets is that some of them tend to include a variety of different chemicals. It’s possible to find cobalt and chromium, as well as a variety of other heavy metals. Since the makeup is very colourful, kids won’t know the danger and they will end up using the product.

It’s common to hear situations when kids that were exposed to chemical-filled play makeup sets which had blisters, severe hives and allergies. That’s why you need to make sure you only buy a chemical-free play makeup set. It’s the best possible way to keep your child safe, and a chemical-free play makeup set is definitely the right solution.

Which is the right age for a gift play makeup set?

It can be hard to figure out which is the right age. It can be 4 years old, more or less than that. Usually a little girl will show interest in pretend play and she will request a play makeup set. The thing to note here is that pretend play can help promote the development of gross and fine motor skills. It also helps with boosting social skills, cognitive development and it enhances creativity naturally.

How can you choose the right play makeup set?

There are multiple things you want to focus on when you buy a play makeup set, as you will see below:

  • You want the play makeup set to be washable if possible. Your child’s skin is very sensitive, so a washable makeup set can be the right option.
  • It’s imperative to buy only chemical free play makeup sets. This way you know that there are no toxins like phthalates, sulfates or irritants. Don’t be fooled by organic or natural marketing claims either. Try to look for the CPC certifications.
  • A great play makeup set should not have harmful materials like BPA. That means materials like BPA-free plastic will be a good option.


Selecting the right play makeup set for your child can be quite the challenge most of the time. We always recommend you to take your time and study the market for some of the top option. Ideally you want to go with chemical free play makeup, as it’s safe and it won’t cause any harm to your child. Other features like BPA-free makeup containers and washability are also important, so keep those in mind too. Once you take all these things into consideration, it will be easier than ever to let your child enjoy the makeup and have fun with it!

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